Colonel Anne - The forgotten heroine of the 1745  Jacobite Rebellion

A play in two acts by David Shirreff

Lover, soldier, fanatical supporter of Bonnie Prince Charlie, Lady Anne Farquharson Mackintosh defied her husband to raise Highland troops in 1745 before the battles of Falkirk and Culloden.

2023 is the 300th anniversary of her birth

To celebrate, Clans Farquharson and Mackintosh, together with other members of the Clan Chattan Association, are supporting performances of the play in Inverness and Braemar in August 2023.
If you’d like to support the theatre project you can:
Pledge money to help with production costs
Ask friends and family to do the same
Spread the word by email or on social media

For more information contact David Shirreff +44 (0) 7825621717

© David Shirreff